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  • 16 Jul 2024 1:33 PM | Anonymous

    A remarkable resident from Te Kowhai has been recognised and honoured within the wider community.

    Suzy McPhail received a Margarette Golding Award for her dedication to providing amazing opportunities for individuals with dementia and other neurological disorders to live their best lives. Suzy offers art and music classes for people with dementia and organises social events to raise funds.

    The International Inner Wheel Award, created in 2000 in the name of Margarette Golding, the founder of Inner Wheel (1924), is awarded for highly commendable personal service (unconnected with Inner Wheel) to the community.

    Members of Inner Wheel Club Mt Roskill, together with District NZ291 Chairman, District NZ291 Secretary, editor-secretary of IWC Fairfield (Hamilton) and partners were present when National President Rina Maxwell-Hesp, on behalf of Past President Judi Newborn, awarded Suzy McPhail with the Margarette Golding Award.

    Suzy McPhail accepting her Margarette Golding Awards

    Suzy McPhail with her Margarette Golding Award and 2024-2025 IWNZ National President Rina

  • 30 Apr 2024 12:43 AM | Anonymous

    During her visit to the IW Club of Nouméa Plaisance in New Caledonia, 2023-2024 IWNZ National President Judi Newborn was honoured to present the Margarette Golding Award to the Chantal Marconi, the President of the IW Club of Nouméa Plaisance on Thursday April 25th.

    The club held a gala dinner to celebrate IIW’s 100th Birthday and decided that this would be a great time to present the award, as they had 67 guests coming, including the Rotary Presidents and the Assistant Governor. Chantal had no idea and was completely taken aback. Chantal received the award for her selfless dedication to others outside of IW.

    The citation read “In recognition of services rendered to four associations, three for the elderly (ACAPA – FOYER NGEA – RETIREMENT HOME HIBISCUS) and one for disabled children (ASEAD)”

    "This award was well and truly deserved and it was an absolute pleasure to present it to her." - Judi Newborn, 2023-2024 IWNZ National President Judi Newborn

    Judi Newborn (2023-2024 IWNZ National President) pining Chantal Marconi's Margarette Golding Award pin

    Chantal posing with some of her IW Club of Nouméa Plaisance fellow Members

    Judi and Chantal posing with the beautiful decorations, honouring IIW's 100 years at the IW Club of Nouméa Plaisance's celerbation

    Judi presenting Chantal with her MGA certificate

  • 29 Feb 2024 8:46 AM | Anonymous

    Two Clubs have had the wonderful idea of making 100 items to be donated, in honour of Inner Wheel's 100 year anniversary! 

    Yvonne, a very talent Member of the IW Club of New Plymouth North, tackled the task of knitting 100 items with the help of her trusty canine helper, Molly. Yvonne knit 100 pairs of booties for the Taranaki Hopsital's Neo Natal Unit, 100 pairs of slippers for Barnados and made up 100 toiletry bags donated to WITT students who aren't as fortunate as others.

    The ladies of the IW Club of Invercargill South also gave themselves the challenge of knitting 100 items! They knit 100 pairs of socks and 100 beanies, assembled them into 100 packs and donated them to the Maternity Ward at Southland Hospital on International Inner Wheel Day. The 100 little pairs were donated to the first 100 babies that were born from midnight on the 10th of January, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of our International organisation. The time and effort put in by the Club Members was greatly appreciated by the staff. The Southland Times were also in attendance to record the occasion, and an excellent article was published the following Saturday. You can read the article here on page 3 (News section).

    Yvonne and her canine helper Molly with 50 of the 100 pairs of booties she knit for the Taranaki Hospital

    Some of the slippers Yvonne knit for Barnados

    The 100 toiletry bags made up by Yvonne for WITT students

    Invercargill South Members assembling 100 packs of socks & beanies donated to the Maternity Ward at Southland Hospital

    Invercargill South Club Members donated 100 socks and 100 beanies to the Maternity Ward at Southland Hospital.

  • 23 Feb 2024 7:37 AM | Anonymous

    A wonderful article has been written in issue 565 (p.8) of the local Matamata newspaper Scene featuring the IW Club of Matamata!

    The Club was awarded a Presidential Citation by 2022-2023 International Inner Wheel (IIW) President Zenaida Yungco Farcon. The award recognizes the Club’s work towards the goals of the 2022-2023 year’s theme Work Wonders and also for inspiring members in fellowship and service.

    You can read the article (on p. 8) here or by clicking the photo below.

  • 14 Feb 2024 11:47 AM | Anonymous

    Thanks to the efforts of Huibrie Keyser, President of the IW Club of Howick and Vice Chairman of the NZ291 District, the Howick and Pakuranga Times published an article on February 7th 2024 about the Inner Wheel Centennial year. The article discusses the community involvement and history of IWNZ and of the Howick Club. It also advertises our beautiful "In Friendship" rose, sold for Inner Wheel's Centennial year! Fantastic work by the ladies of the Howick Club in getting IWNZ's name out in the community!

    You can read the article online here or by clicking the image below.

  • 9 Dec 2023 10:18 AM | Anonymous

    These wonderful ladies from the IW Club of Matamata have been members of Inner Wheel for 25 years, which is a great achievement. They are still actively involved in the organization and were recently awarded their 25-year badges by Club President Brenda at the Matamata Christmas function. Unfortunately, Carole Young was unable to attend the event.

  • 9 Dec 2023 5:38 AM | Anonymous

    During the Matamata Christmas event, Sandra BA Hunter from the Inner Wheel Club of Matamata was awarded the Margarette Golding Award by 2023-2024 National Vice-President Rina Maxwell-Hesp and Club President Brenda Linnell for her exceptional services.

    Sandra has been serving the community and the Waikato district for nearly 30 years. She has been actively involved in various initiatives such as Victim Support, Tough Love, and the Rotary End Polio Now program. Since 2008, she has held multiple positions at Inner Wheel Matamata and currently serves as the I.S.O. and correspondent. Congratulations, Sandra! You are an inspiration to us all.

    From left to right: Vice-President Rina, Club President Brenda and MG Award recipient Sandra

  • 7 Dec 2023 5:25 AM | Anonymous

    On Saturday 28th October, the 3rd "The Last Night of The Proms" was held at the Civic Theatre Invercargill. Once again organised by the members of Inner Wheel of Invercargill North.

    The proceeds of the evening will be jointly shared by Hospice Southland and The Southland Charity Hospital.

    A full house at the Civic Theatre enjoyed a lively evening of fun, and fantastic music, showcasing the wealth of talent we have in the South.

    Soloists such as Rebecca Ryan, Libby Fraser, Nathan Hughes (also our MC) and Cleo McNaught combined with The Invercargill Symphonia, The Ascot Park Brass Band, and a massed choir of 100+ voices directed by Sarah Rae. Accompanying the soloists was our own Honoured Active Member, Sheryl Walker. Our Stage manager, Craig Waddell also joined in for  the traditional second half, alongside our "Royal Family".

    Once again our fantastic Invercargill North membership worked tirelessly behind the scenes. 

  • 2 Dec 2023 9:33 AM | Anonymous

    The IW Club of New Plymouth North has been putting together WITT Care Packs. These packs contain shampoo and conditioner (355ml bottles), deodorant, soap (85gm), razor, toothbrush, toothpaste(120gm), laundry detergent sheets (we re-pack four of them in a press-lock bag) and a small Kit-Kat bar to feed the soul. The Club has been involved at one of New Plymouth’s secondary schools and have received some fantastic feedback regarding the packs:

    “The Care Pack was awesome. I was so stoked to be given stuff that I can use. Mum barely has enough money for food, and I have been using soap to wash my hair for weeks. Now my hair is soft and clean and actually smells nice.”

    “The pack made my week. I actually had tears in my eyes when I took everything out to see what was in there. I am barely keeping things afloat at home as a solo Mum with 2 kids. I got to wash both kids hair and wash their clothes properly. Thank you so much, it was a blessing. The smallest kindness can mean so much.”

    “The pack was awesome. It had everything I needed.”

  • 24 Jun 2023 4:25 AM | Anonymous
    The Inner Wheel Club of Palmerston North donated new pyjamas to the Children's Ward of Palmerston North Hospital.

    It came to the Club's attention that with winter coming on, children need warm pyjamas especially after they have been in hospital. The call went out to our members to bring new pyjamas to the next meeting. We were overjoyed by the response with well over $1000 worth of pyjamas, nighties and dressing gowns being given. Julie (Club President) and Sue (Club Treasurer) made the presentation. 

    Over $1000 worth of pyjamas, nighties and dressing gowns collected by the Club                                                                                                              

    Julie (Club President) and Sue (Club Treasurer) presenting the pyjamas to the Children's Ward of Palmerston North Hospital.

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