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New Plymouth North Club

Service Projects

Social Activities

  • Weekly Coffee and Walking

  • Knitting group

  • Mahjong groups

  • Book clubs

  • Friendship weekends away
  • Movie lunches and breakfasts together

  • Regular working bees

  • International IW BBQ celebration

Jan, Frances, Wayne and Carol at the 2021 Changeover.
Janice, Joan and Jan at the 2021 Changeover.
The 2021-2022 Club Officers and Committee at the 2021 Changeover.
June, Mary and Lois, drawing and checking out some knitting.
Pat and Heather tracing out sheets to make dolls for the local hospital.
Val with beautiful blankets she made for various organizations supported by the Club.
  • Club Meetings: First Wednesday of the month at 5:30pm for 5:45pm start
  • Club Contact
  • Location: Auto Lodge, 393 Devon Street East, New Plymouth

New Plymouth North Upcoming events

  • No upcoming events
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The 2021-2022 Club Officers and Committee at the 2021 Changeover.
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