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Howick Club

Service Projects

Social Activities

    • Monthly Friendly fours
    • Monthly morning tea catch-up
    • Walk and Talk
    • Koru award dinner
    • Christmas Lunch
    • Club birthday celebration
    • Movie night
A few Club Members hosted a very successful gathering at Homestead Café to meet potential new Members. (Feb 2024)
Delivery of pyjamas to STAND in July 2023.
Knitting by Club Members that was delivered to the Botany Birthing Unit in July 2023.
District Changeover in June 2023.
Club sewing bee in August 2023.
Club sewing bee in August 2023.
Club Members Sue and Carmen collecting for Daffodil Day (August 2023).
Delivering PJ's and toiletries to STAND (Jul 2021)
Members running a cake Stall at the Pakuranga River Carnival (Feb 2021)
Sorting bras for Operation Uplift (May 2021)
Howick Club participating in the Pink Ribbon Walk (2021)
  • Club Meetings: Fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm
  • Club Contact
  • Location: Highland Park Community House, 47 Aviemore Drive, Highland Park, Auckland

Howick Upcoming events

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