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  • IWNZ
  • Dunedin South

Dunedin South Club

Service Projects

  • Donating pyjamas, knitting and crocheted blankets to the paediatrics unit of a local hospital
  • Knitting for Barnados, to assist in the response to Cyclone Gabrielle 
  • Knitting and donating funds to a local hospital
  • Knitting and sewing for Foster Hope
  • Donating food items and petrol vouchers, as well as helping with the Rotary Trailer Raffle for a local hospice
  • Hosting a Christmas Craft stall and a Bring and Buy raffle as fundraiser activities.
  • Making silky pillows for a local hospital
  • Putting together toiletry-filled bags for the Cancer Society
  • Supporting Alzheimer's Otago, the Mosgiel Scouts and the Cyclone Gabrielle IWNZ Appeal

Social Activities

  • Monthly lunches
  • Christmas celebration

  • Movie outings

  • Craft sharing

  • Celebrating the Club Anniversary

Club Member got together to celebrate the King's Coronation in May 2023.
  • Club Meetings: Second Wednesday of the month for lunch
  • Club Contact
  • Location: Please contact the Club

Dunedin South Upcoming events

  • No upcoming events
1 photo(s) Updated on: 30 Jun 2023
  • Club Member got together to celebrate the King's Coronation in May 2023.
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